Names not to give to cats: what you absolutely must avoid

Choosing what will be how we will call a full-fledged family member is not a trivial matter. The always symbiotic relationship with Miao makes her become part of the family to all intents and purposes, which is when it becomes a fundamental moment, almost like when a child is born.

There are many criteria that push you to opt for one sound or another. What inspires is the character, the physiognomy, a preference born even before our four-legged friend. Much also depends on any past experiences and the advice of the people closest to us also has an impact.

However, if you are still undecided and the puppy is about to arrive, here are at least the names not to give to cats, those to avoid and which can help to solve the puzzle. From the series: “I don’t know what I want, but what I don’t want (or, better, I don’t have to) do”.

Wrong Names For Cats

We just brought home a new four-legged friend and here we go faced with the dilemma what name to give it? The choice is certainly a crucial moment in the life of the puppy, but also of his family. Very often we tend to opt for common names, such as Micio, Tom or Kitty.

Sometimes, however, there are much more reckless people and which risk creating damage to themselves and to the new member of the four-legged family. Here then is that a list of names not to give to cats can be a parachute to avoid the worst.

Absurd Names For Cats

names not to give to red tabby cats

Unless the puppy is from from a cattery and therefore already has its own name (which is usually not recommended to change) the decision must be shared with the whole family.

In this way it is avoided that everyone then entrusts to the four-legged friend nicknames or spellings which could confuse the pet and create behavioral problems and stress. Speaking of which, here’s how to recognize a stressed cat.

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Names To Avoid For Cats, Feminine Names

names not to give to funny cats

To get straight to the point and give some really useful advice, here are the best cat names broken down by type, race and subject. Lack of inspiration? Better not to make mistakes by listening too much to intuition: sometimes a guide is what you need.

Here then that, for practicality, is good divide by gender. In this way we immediately get to the point and discard what is better not to choose so as not to confuse Miao, avoid teasing and relationship problems.

From A to D

Taking care of their psychophysical balance is the first thing and the sound it will associate with itself it is not a trivial detail, in short, without effects. But let’s go in alphabetical order:

  • Anastasia;
  • Annunciation;
  • Anxiety;
  • Adalgisa;
  • Sorrows;
  • albana;
  • tree;
  • Apollonia.

Only with the first letter of the alphabet can it be seen that the names not to be given to cats are those that resemble one negative mood, which have an unpleasant sound and unclear phonetics. But better continue with the B and the other letters:

  • Bartola;
  • Berenice;
  • Bernarda;
  • Bohemonda;
  • Carrot;
  • Corradine;
  • Cunegonde;
  • Demeter;
  • Desdemona;
  • Dynasty;
  • Domitilla;
  • Domodossola.

Going faster, it is clear that charmless city names are to be excluded. And even those that, although they recall works of drama of a certain level, they are not suited to the spirit and personality of a four-legged friend.

From E to G

The possibility of choosing wrong names is high, if we think about how long the alphabet is. Better then run for cover and determine what are the names not to give to cats. Our journey into the horrid and the inappropriate continues:

  • Emerentian;
  • Ermelinda;
  • Hermenegy;
  • Exedra;
  • Eusebia;
  • Fedoras;
  • Phaedra;
  • Geltrude;
  • Gertrude;
  • kneeling;
  • Janbrunnhilde;
  • Glycery;
  • Gioconda.
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Unfortunately there are not a few names particularly challenging and cacophonous. It being understood that nobody wants to put their mouth on everyone’s personal tastes, however there are some combinations that are really bad and that our four-legged friend doesn’t deserve.

From H To S

There are names that they shouldn’t be given to anyoneespecially to those who do not have the power, having come of age, to go to the registry office and change a name which, evidently, is the result of a joke in bad taste:

  • Hula (like the Hula Hoop);
  • immaculate;
  • Lavender;
  • Madalina;
  • Martian;
  • Neferte;
  • Norberta;
  • Holland;
  • Olive;
  • undine;
  • pancratia;
  • Pandora;
  • Picard;
  • Rolanda;
  • Ruslana.

But still there are so many options that are likely to harm social life and self-esteem of our little (and unaware of the risks) ball of fur. If we really love them, let’s start on the right foot right from the choice of the name and avoid:

  • Sephora;
  • Tabata;
  • Theodelinda;
  • Torlonia;
  • Ubalda;
  • Uga;
  • Venerable;
  • Zelinda.

As can be seen from the last overview, it is not enough to choose a short name to do justice to our kitten. There are really easy solutions, but with a sound that really leaves something to be desired.

Names Not To Be Given To Cats, The Masculine Ones

names not to give to powerful cats

Among the names not to give to cats there are also those for the male specimens. Here are the ones that don’t go well (especially if they clash with the personality of your four-legged friend:

  • Abacus;
  • Adelmo;
  • Agilulf;
  • anise;
  • Barbarian;
  • gallery;
  • thrill;
  • Caius;
  • Callisto;
  • Clovis;
  • Dardinello;
  • Diocletian;
  • Edgardo;
  • Emerentius;
  • Ezekiel;
  • Floret;
  • Fulcrum;
  • fake;
  • Galdino;
  • Ginulfo;
  • Gotthard;
  • Imerium;
  • Immaculate;
  • Irenaeus;
  • Laurel;
  • Liutprand;
  • Lucifer;
  • Melchior;
  • Melchiseede;
  • Menotti;
  • Nazarene;
  • Nevius;
  • Nicodemus;
  • Olindo;
  • honored;
  • Oronzo;
  • Pantaleo;
  • Donald Duck;
  • Pippin;
  • Pisistratus;
  • Here;
  • Here;
  • Quo;
  • Rigobert;
  • Romuald;
  • Noise;
  • Sempronius;
  • Severe;
  • Siegfried;
  • Tarcisius;
  • Tybalt;
  • Dude;
  • Swirl;
  • Ubaldo;
  • Ulcer;
  • vanilla;
  • Poison;
  • Wenceslas;
  • Zechariah;
  • Zebedee;
  • Zero.
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An all too long list of names not to give to cats if you love them and care about their self-esteem and our reputation. If we don’t want to make a mistake, there is the litmus test: we repeat the name aloud, imagining that we are pronouncing it in the park or on the street. If it doesn’t convince, let’s move on. Better to opt for more appropriate cat names: sweeter and more musical without a doubt.

Many People Have Asked Us

names not to give to overweight cats

The importance of names to (not) give to cats is undoubted, and there are some elements to evaluate. In order not to leave anything to chance and make an informed choice, here are the most frequently asked questions.

What Is The Right Length For A Cat Name?

It is not the time to opt for names too long and that Miao has difficulty memorizing and associating with her figure. In fact, our four-legged friend can memorize the sound and understands that it is he we are calling. To make the task easier for him, better short names with simple sounds.

What Are The Best Names Based On Size And Disposition?

Also, it would be really bad to choose a name that doesn’t reflect his personality. Let’s avoid nicknames for majestic cats and oversized than average or big names for small ones. The danger is that over time they can tire or appear ridiculous.

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